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第76 章加速!!!(1 / 1)








ng up study . In this g the decision ,这种情况下,你要认真思murderer .警方已展开行动抓捕凶手。 vt 撞见:当场发现:eatch sb doing sth :到惩罚。 Anyone caught doing something ungreen will he punished 任何人被发现做不环保的事情都将受caught him at it before .我们知道他一直在做手脚,但以前从未当场发现过。 We knew he had beeing , but we had never2013辽宁改(2) catch sb + adj / prep :vt 赶上:追上(车、船等)厦 miss :There was no way I was going to catch the pne .&怎么也赶不上飞机了。They caught us before we reached town .我们还没进城。他们就赶上我们了。外研4-2⑤ vt 听清楚;领会:5 vt 感染上:catch a cold / fever 感冒/发烧When I listen to native English speakers talking in a 是英语的人说话时,只能听懂几个单词。 video , I catly a few words .我在视频中听母语I didn '' t catch what you said . Please repeat it ik 7vt吸引住;引起(注意、想象等):有听清你说什么,请再重复一遍只引起了他的注意。 The return address caught his attention .回信的地 This is a story that will catch the imagination of 8vi& vt 卡住;(使)挂住;(使)进退两难: every child 这个故事会激发每个孩子的想象力。 An Australian farmer found a kangaroo caught in 发现一只袋鼠卡在了自家农场周围的篱笆里。 the fence around his farm .一位澳大利亚农场主 I feel caught between what I want and what my parents 9vt& vi 着(火): want .在自己和父母的愿望之间我感到左右为难。"2008江苏The match won '' t catch 火柴点不着。night .拐角处的楼昨晚着火了 The building around the er caught fire st10 vt 注意到;听到;看到:She caught sight ofa car in the distance .她看到远处有辆汽车。be / get caught in 陷入(困境):J got caught in the rain and my suit was ruined . R 遇上了大雨,整套衣服都被淋得不成样子 be / get caught up in :I was so caught up in the party fever that I hardly noticed five hours fly by !我沉浸在聚会的狂热中,几乎没有注意到五个小时飞快地过去了。译林新必修2-4cat 流行;[非正式用语]了解;理解:这首歌很好听,我想它很快就会流行起来。 It is a nice song and I think it will cat quickly . still couldn '' t cat .那位女士重复了几遍她的 The dy repeated her question several times but 1问题,但我仍没有理解catch sb '' s eye 引起某人注意:When I opehe door , a parcel on the floor caught my eye .我打开门,地上的一个包裹引起了我的注意correct signature .在你见现支票之前,要先确认署名正确。cast / ko : st / lR ''cashier / kae '' fte ( r )/ n [ C ]收银员:收银台○ cassette / ke '' set /, in | Cl 盒式录音带:磁带盒The fisherman cast his into the water i2 HeM撒到水里:a ( cast , cast ) vt投;扔;抛;撒;掷:投射(光、影、视线等):为(戏剧、角色)选派演员;投票: He cast a look at the woman .他向那女人看了一眼。cast a shadow on the wall 影子投射到墙上Music talents from many different tries were cast . urge others to vote for petitions .人们不仅自己在来自不同国家的音乐人才被选中出演译林8-2 People not only cast on - lies themselves , but also 网上投票,还劝别人也为比赛投。( be ) cast down [不用于名词前]沮丧的2016江苏书面表达n | CI投;抛:后捕到了一条鱼。He caught a fish at his sed cast .他第二次撒网an all - star cast 全明星阵容2全体演员:castle / ka : sl /| n | C ]城堡[只用于名词前]偶然的;碰巧的:casual /kae3uel/ adja casual meeting / passer - by 巧遇/偶然路过的人2漫不经心的:attitude towards his job .因为对待工作漫不经心, John was dismissed st week because ofhis casual 约翰在上周被解雇了。③非正式的;随便的反 formal :a casual and friendly greeting 非正式的友好的问候 Jea more fortable in casual clothes .*3f便装感到更加舒服。④[只用于名词前]临时的;不定期的:a casual worker / visitor 临时工/不速之客casually /kae3ueli/ adv 偶然地;无意地cat / kaet /| n [ C |猫whe '' s away ( the mice will py ) JL 不在,老鼠作怪(指管事的不在,下面的人玩个痛快) catalog ( ue )/ kaetelog /, R '' n | C ]目录:Please send me your catalog and information on the service you offer .请把你们所提供的这项服务的目录和相关信息寄给我。catastrophe / ke '' taestrafi /, in | C |&[ U |大灾难;浩劫( disaster ):enviroal / nuclear catastrophe 环境/核灾难catch / kaet ∫/( caught , caught ) v1vt& vi 抓住;接住:catch sb by the arm 抓住某人的胳膊- Throw me that towel .把那条毛巾给我。- OK . Catch .好的,接住。2 vt 捕捉;捕获( capture ):The police have unched aion to catch thecatch引导状语从句]假使;phone number withd medical assistance . E病人。The hurrie hrought down thousands of trees aricity poles .飓风刮倒了数以千计的 The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May .会议已从5月10日提前到5月3日:2提出(建议、论据等) The young engineer brought forward a new design .年轻的工程师提出了一个新的设计方案。 bring in 推行;引入;引进(新的法律): The gover pns t in new ws f parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children .政府计划推行新法,强制父母为子女的教育承担更多责任。2请……做;让……参与: Researchers were brought in from all over a to 研发这个新系统 develop the new system .中国各地的专家都被请来 His work brings ( him ) in 1,000 dolrs a month .1e每月有1000美元的工作收入。4宣布;作出裁决 bring on More study should bring on ylish .努力学习会提高你的英语水平。 Stress bring on illness .压力会引起疾病。②引起;导致 to make sth bad or unpleasant happen : bring out He never criticized us , but used praise t out our best .他从不批评我们,而是用称赞使我们表现出最好的一面。 Most ofus five each other when differences are brought out in the open .当公开说明分歧时,我们大都能彼此原谅。 you make a se the meaning of the phrase ?你能造个句子说明这个短语的意思吗?3出版: They brought out a set of children '' s books .他们出版了一套儿童读物。 bring up [常用于被动语态]抚养;养育;教养( raise ): His father died when he was young , and he was brought up by his mother .在他年幼时父亲就去世了,他是由母亲抚养长大的。2提出(讨论等)( raise ): Every time I bring the matter up . he ges the subject .每当我提起这件事,他就会转移话题。3呕吐: He brought up all his dinner .他把吃的饭全都吐出来了。④使显示在计算机屏幕上;调出③[口语]( BrE )极好的: That '' s quite brilliant ! How did you do that , may I ask ?大棒了!请问你是怎么做到的?人均8-4> brilliantly / bli / adv 辉煌地;灿烂地;卓越地 bring / brr / all ( brought , brought ) vt 1带来;拿来反 take : Please bring your student card if you want a cheaper ticket .如果想买到便宜票, 把你的学生证带来。 bring sb sth / bring sth for sb : Bring Helen a present ./ Bring a present for Helen .给海伦带件礼物来。 We '' re bringing you aing evening of live rod pop musi the best local bands .您带来一个令人激动的夜晚,由当地最好的乐队现场演奏摇滚乐和流行音乐2bring sb / sth to sb / sth : As a pyer : Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her try .作为一名运动员,郎平为国家带来了荣誉和荣耀3bring sb / sth with sb : She brought her kids with her wherever she went .+ e 无论去哪儿都带着孩子。, Don '' t fet t some money with you .别忘记随身带些钱。②把……引来;引起;导致: Her cries brought the neighbours .听到她的叫声,邻居们跑了过来。 The sad news brought tears to her eyes (= made her cry ).听到噩耗,她的双眼充满了泪水。③使处于某种状况: The firefighters brought the fire urol .5员控制住了火势。 The teacher brought the discussion to an end .终止了讨论。 bring about 引起;造成 to make sth happen ( cause ): The I is a teological wonder , bringing about far - reag ges in all aspects ofour lives .互联网是一个技术奇迹,给我们生活的方方面面带来了深远的变化。 bring along 带来;带上: Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent thirst .学生们必须带上两瓶水以防口渴。2010福建 bring back 把……带回来;使回忆起;使恢复: Could y my calcutor back ?你能把我的计算器带回来吗? The trip brought back a lot of happy memories . ik 旅行唤起了许多美好的回忆。 The kindness of strangers has done much t back my faith in humanity .陌生人的善举使我恢复了对人性的信心。 bring down 降低;使倒下;使(飞机)降落( nd ): The gover has taken measures t down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable .为了保持市场稳定,政府已经采取措施降低日用品的高价格

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