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  4. 第47 章 周六的夜晚2

第47 章 周六的夜晚2(1 / 1)




我们一起接完了水,一起回了宿舍,接了点水,倒入热水,将脚伸了进去,哎呀呀,真是舒服啊,在泡脚的同时看点书吧。an hour and a halfjone and a halfhours -1o1eet The halfof six is three .6的一半是3 Cut the apple in half / into halves .把苹果切成两半2(比赛、音乐会等的)半场;半局: France pyed very weil in the first half .4lh.法国队发挥得不错。■ pron 半;一半: On her way to the station , halfofher money was stolen .她在去车站的路上,一半的钱被偷了。 Only half of the 50 questions were answered correctly .这五十个问题中只有一半回答正确。注 half of ..., some of ..., all of .... most of ...等作主语时,谓语动词的数与 of 后的词一致。■ adj 一半的;绝大部分的: halfan hour / a halfhour 半小时 We lost not only some ofour money , but half the fun oftraveling .我们不仅损失了一些钱,还失去了很大一部分旅行的乐趣。注 half , all , both 等作定语时,常位于定冠词或物主代词之前。■ adv 一半地;部分地: He looks halfasleep .他看上去半睡半醒。 He was halfdead with tiredness .他累得半死。 Don '' t leave the work halfdone .工作不要半途而废。 halfway /. ha : fwer / ti )■ adj 中间的;中途的: When we reached the halfoint of the project . things began to get more difficult .当我们的项目做到一半时,情况开始变得更加困难. adv 在中途;不彻底地: You will succeed in the end unless you give up halfway 只要不半途而废,你终将成功。 He was about halfway through his meal when a familiar voice came to his ears .他饭吃到一半,忽然听到一个熟悉的声音。 Establish the right retionship at work and you '' re halfway there .在工作中建立良好的人际关系,你就成功了一半。 hall / ho : l / llln [ Cl 大厅;礼堂;会堂: the Great Hall ofthe People 人民大会堂 I was saving a seat for you in the dining hall . AsE 在餐厅给你占座。2门厅;(大厦的)过道;走廊: She ran into the hall and up the stairs .她跑进门厅,冲上了楼梯。 ham / haem / ll n | C ]&[ U ]火腿 hamburger / haemba : ga ( r )/ all n [ C ]汉堡包 Chammer / haema ( r )/ ill ■ n [ C ]锤子;榔头. vt & vi 锤击;锤打: He hammered a nail into the wood with a hammer 他用锤子把钉子敲进木头里。 hand / haend / aill [ C |手;(钟表等的)指针: hold / shake hands 手牵手/握手。Truth never grows old .真理永不过时。⑤ vi 逐渐形成;产生: I '' m sure you will grow to like her in time .我肯定你慢慢就会喜欢她了, The best friendships are the ohat grow naturully .自然形成的友谊才是最好的。grow into 变成;发展成: He has grown into a fine young man .他已长成一个不错的小伙子。 The vilge where I was born has grown into a town .我出生的那个村庄已经发展成为一个城镇 grow out of 产生于;长大得与……不再相称: Our friendship grew out of the experienaking that film 、我们的友谊源自于拍摄那部电影的经历。 He '' s already grown out of his school uniform . A 经长得穿不上校服了。 grow up 成熟;长成;形成;发展: Pnts grow up towards the sunlight .植物向阳生长 The boy grew up ( to be ) a great stist .ix1%长大后成了一名伟大的科学家。 It is hardest to give up the food that you grow up with .你很难放弃伴随你长大的食物。译林 grown - up / graun ''л p / illl ■ n [ C ]成年人■ adj 成年人的;成熟的○ growth /grau0/il| n [ U ]生长;发育;增长;发展: Childhood is a period ofrapid growth .童年是迅速发育的时期。 eic growth 经济增长guarantee / gaeran '' ti :/ ml |R2. n [ C |1保证 a firm promise that sth will be done or that sth will happen : give a guarantee ofgood behavior 保证行为检点 Wealth is no guarantee of happiness .财富并非幸福的保证。②保修单;质量保证书: They offer a two - year guarantee on all their electrical goods .他们所有的电器商品都有两年的保修期。= vt 1保证;确保;担保: Talent alone isn '' t enough to guarantee success . R 天赋是不足以保证成功的。 guarantee +( that )从句: nthard work will guarahat you will

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