抓起一本英语书看了会儿,:dismiss sb with a wave ofthe hand 摆手把某人打发走 The css was dismissed early today .今天下课早。②[常用于被动语态]解雇;开除( fire ): He was dismissed from his job for ience .A2因为不称职而被解雇了。③消除(顾虑等);拒绝考虑: dismiss fears / doubts from one '' s mind 消除心中的恐惧/疑虑 He just ughed and dismissed my proposal as unrealistic .他只是笑,认为我的建议不切实际,拒绝考虑 disorder / dis '' o : de ( r )/ ln [ U ]混乱;杂乱反 order : Everything was in disorder , but nothing seemed to be missing .一切都凌乱不堪,但好像没少什么东西。②| U ]骚乱;动乱:The club was closed because ofcrowd disorder .为聚众骚乱,这家俱乐部被关闭了。③[ C ]&[ U ]失调;紊乱;疾病: mental / personality disorders 精神病/人格障碍 Alzheimer '' s disease is a brain disorder that causes problems with memory , thinking and behaviour . FT 尔茨海默症是一种导致记忆、思维和行为问题的脑部疾病。+ dispy 逑/ di '' spler /|R3. Vt 1陈列;展览( exhibit ): About 35,000 works are currently being dispyed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre .目前大约有35000件艺术品正在卢浮宫的300多个展厅里展出。 Prices have to be dispyed outside restaurants .须在饭店外面公示价格②显示;显露(情感等):Makiact - in some tries is a way to dispy i .在一些国家,眼神交流是表示兴趣的一种方式。 As he began to dispy a talent for painting , he realized that art was his true calling .当他开始表现出绘画才能时,他意识到艺术才是他真正的事业③(计算机)显示(信息) n [ C ]1陈列;展览;表演: a window dispy 橱窗陈列。Who distributes our products in the UK ?谁在英国 distribution / istribju : Jn / illR '' n 销售我们的产品?| U |&| C |分配;分布;散布: the distribution ofwealth 财富分配 popution distribution 人口分布2|U|分发;分送;配送: the distribution ofaid supplies 救济物资的分发③[ U ](商品的)分销;经销: marketing , sales and distribution 营销、销售和经销 district /'' distrikt /, n [ C ]区;行政区;地区: Haidian District 海淀区 The parks in the coastal district are very pretty .&海地区的公园很美。 disturb / di ''st3:b/ l | vt 打扰;扰乱;使心神不安: Sorry to disturb you , but I talk to you for a minute ?抱歉打扰您,我能跟您聊一会儿吗? disturbing / di ''st3:bin/, il adj 引起烦恼的;令人不安的:a disturbing piece ofnews 令人不安的消息 dive / darv /1lt l ( dived / dove , dived ) vi 跳水;潜水;冲向;俯冲;扑;全身心投入: I took offmy T - shirt and dived into the water :我脱掉 T 恤,跳入水中。 people diving for pearls 潜水采珠的人It started to rain so we dived into the cafe .天下起雨来,我们立即钻进最近的一家咖啡馆。 The goalkeeper dived for the ball , but missed it .门员向球扑去,但没有扑到。 I know I am smart enough to dive into ahat is totally unknown .我知道自己足够聪明去潜心研究一个完全未知的领域。 She made a beautiful dive .她做了一个漂亮的跳水动作。> diving / darvin / n | U ]跳水(运动);潜水: go diving 去潜水 diverse /daiv3:s/ R adj 不同的;多种多样的( various ): Living iy will put you in touch with people from diverse cultures.生活在城市里会让你接触到来自各种文化背景的人。
看累了,便打开了消消乐,在一声声good good中迷失了自我,啊哈哈哈,我爱玩。其实我平常熬夜的时间也不多。从初中和高中都住校,在学校里是熬不了夜的,学习了一天脑子疼。一沾床就睡完全不存在熬夜的现象,回到家,有爸爸妈妈管着,熬夜是不被允许的,所以第一次熬夜的我,现在感觉非常困。脑子快炸了,但是心中有莫名的感到兴奋,想继续熬下去,玩了会儿消消乐,便刷起了短视频,还没开心两下。别刷到了熬夜猝死的视频,我去,这不会是在给我一点暗示吧,那.....,那我还是睡吧。